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Symbiopoietic Workshop at Minitremu ArtCamp #8, 7-8 July 2023, Timisoara, Romania

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

I was invited to propose a workshop for high school and university students at the Minitremu Association ArtCamp 8th Edition, at the Minitremu Studio and the Riverside Pavilion in Timisoara. Part of the `Now the Impulse is to Live`Exhibition and Timisoara Cultural Capital 2023.

During the 'Symbiopoietic* Workshop Now the Impulse is" that span over two full days aproximatly 15 participants with an interest in the arts that had been selected by Laura Bototea and Gabriel Boldis from Minitremu (and Monotremu artistic duo) based on their portfolios.

Together we read an excerpt from Donna Haraway's `Staying with the Trouble -The Age of the Chtulucene" that imaginates a future in which humanity attempts to repair the damage caused to nature and other animal species by symbiotic relationships and genetic manipulation. We then discussed the text and slowly started to develop our own narratives inspired by it and the current dramatic ecological distress, making use of our bodies in a performative way, our ability to collaborate with each other and our desire to share and present our findings.

Thank you to the wonderful young participating artists:

Ana, Bianca, Dani, Matei, Sânziana, Mircea, Bora, Daria, Justina, Krisztina, Philip, Ronja, Sara, Nix, Nicole, Theo, Bogdan. Thank you Laura Borotea and Gabriel Boldiș for the invitation and organization.

Phot credit: Minitremu

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