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"Cretesti Garden as Chinese Landscape" (2022 - ongoing )
"Cretesti Garden as Chinese Landscape" is a project I embarked on at the beginning of 2022, stemming from my recent part-time move to Cretesti village in Vidra commune, close to Bucharest, a village were my grandparents have lived in and which has been a recurring theme in my work since 2003, in various forms. I document the garden next to my studio, taking into account some rules of Chinese traditional ink painting. At the same time I document the changes that occur in the area: as a result of a county road being enlarged, all road trees have begun to be cut down to accommodate the new requirements of traffic and street works, while a new bridge is being built to align with the capital's belt road, creating mountains of earth in the process.
I can imagine showing this work in the village where I am making it, though no such facilities exist yet.
"Takyrian Empire" (7000 - 5000 B.C.E.)
"Takyrian Empire" depicts a mythical society of rat/mouse people living in a matriarchal society a few thousands of years ago. Some of the art they left to us are erotic prayer flags, parade flags and other textiles showcasing their craftsmanship, their Gods-worship and human-animal symbiosis. Female pleasure and desire seems to have been placed at the center of this civilization as a way to prevent wars and violence.
Anthropologists and archaeologists are asking themselves: "Was this an Utopian, perfect society or was it just as flawed as our current civilization? The more they uncover artifacts the more they will be able to answer this and more pressing questions..."
"The Beach (An Erotic Fantasy)" (2019)
This project was inspired by the discourse of the saviour scenarios and gratitude in some pornographic videos, especially home videos, available on the internet. I made this series to explore the relationship between guilty fantasies, the expression of them and the rather minimal presence of female satisfaction in adult movies. Again, do not enter if you are not an adult, very revealing imagery! The works was made especially for an exhibition at GrawBoeckler Garage in Berlin, Germany in 2019. Exhibition images under Exhibitions/Installations
"The Girl with Tentacles" (2017-2018)
"At Sandwich, Delia POPA continues her series of engravings, drawings and paintings Existential mice (2011 – present) in which anthropomorphic characters take on various human roles and communicate with each other, touching on various subjects like feminism or marginality. This time, however, the characters discard verbal communication and take on a physical approach – a fantasy they fully relish and over which, without a doubt, they have complete control. For the moment, The existential mouse doesn't look for intellectual answers anymore, but unapologetically lives them. (Text from "The Girl with Tentacles" exhibition at Sandwich Gallery, Bucharest, 2017.) As of 2020 Flag I/After Hokusai is part of the collection of the National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest/MNAC and in 2021 ``Flag I/After Hokusai Version 2`` has been acquired and is now in the collection of Rainald Schumacher and Natalie Hoyos/Office for Art in Berlin.
More images under "Exhibitions and Installations".